Setting up first QT


Hey guys! I have a 29g? Maybe a 40g?(..idk Ill measure tomorrow) Anyway, its in the garage just taking up space, and Im considering making it my new QT. While I know we never skimp on filtration, I am being told that bare bones filters are acceptable for a QT-only tank.

Maybe just a solid HOB and small heater?

Also - assuming I fill it 1/2 way with water from my Display + 1/2 RODI water, wont the initial setup "cycle" be unnecessary as the water is coming from a 2yr old 150g anyway? (I dont plan on putting any fish in there anytime soon, just more of a gee whiz question)
Kinda new to the QT thing, always had a few diff size tanks just running in various parts of the house that I could make split-second decisions with...never setup a QT per say....would appreciate any and all feedback!


After not being able to sleep for a few hours I read the QT archives on the site here and found answers to almost all my questions!


Active Member
id love to help man, but im still in the learning process myself, and so have no real answers for the whole QT question, sorry


To cycle the tank add a few pieces of live rock then ghost feed it. The bacteria from the rock will colonize onto the other surfaces of the tank. You can also use a filter pad from your display, or seed a sponge filter in the display then move it to the QT. Remove the rock before adding a fish.