Setting up Hospital/QT tank, How?

Hi everyone,
I have a spare 29Gal tank that I want to set up as a Hospital/QT tank...
How would I go about setting it up so that it is ready ASAP?
I currently have a 90Gal already setup with a 20gal sump.
Also, what equipment is needed on the Hospital/QT tank so that minimal maintenance is required?


If you search the disease and treatment forum on q tank, hospital tank, or hyposalinity, you will find many threads on this topic. Try limiting your search to entries by shark Beth, she does excellent descriptions of exactly what you are looking for. Good Luck.

krazzy kuda

New Member
Well, I have a "NATURAL" Q- tank ... it is a 40 gal with a little dolimite and crushed coral covering the bottom... I have a small clean up crew, with 5 cleaner shrimp, I have a U-V sterilizer set up on a timer that runs from 1am till 6am ..... also a Penguin Emperior filter.... 2 hydro sponge filters but instead of airstones I have power heads mounted to them, works pretty good. this way when I get any new fish I put them in the tank for 2-3 wks and let the shrimp do their thing, it seems to work for me.... this way you use NO HARSH CHEMECALS and the fish seem to enjoy it!
but for extreem cases I have a 20 gal running with just a sponge filter/power head and small hang on filter if I might have to trat for hole in head or cronic wasting or lateral line diesieses( sorry for the spelling) [not my strong suite] ;) :(


Active Member
All you need to do is when doing a water change in the main tank (if all para. are ok), add that water to your QT. Add a heater, a filter, and some PVC piping for hiding spots (I used cheap fake rock instead). I also put in an air stone, just for looks and more movement. This worked for me, if I forgot something then someone please add. Its the basic tank, thats it. Good Luck:)