Setting Up Hospital Tank


Havent been quarantining new arrivals as we should, and a few days ago the magenta dottyback had about a dozen or so white spots on it. He's since scratched them off, but Im not risking anything.
I purchased a 20g tank, pump/airstone and Penguin mini HOT filter. The filter is currently running in the main's sump and Im going to fill the 20 with water from the main this evening. Once running, do I need to wait before transferring the fish to be medicated? (Coral beauty dwarf angel, magenta dottyback, blue devil/four stripe/domino damsel). Also, no substrate in the tank and I'll use pvc for hiding places.
I dont have (and cant purchase at the moment) a refractometer, so I'd like to go the medication route. What medications are recommended for ich? I know copper-based, but is there something specific thats better than the rest?
I plan to have the fish in the HT for at least four weeks, doing water changes probably every other day. We'll use this tank for quarantine of new arrivals in the future as well.
Any other words of wisdom before I begin this setup?


Staff member
Even with what you are doing to setup the tank, the tank WILL NOT have a biologicial filter sufficient for the fish load that you have in it. That said, you will, thus, need to do DAILY water changes and constantly test for ammonia and nitrites. Be ready to deal with any spikes.
Cupramine copper and a test kit that is compatible.


I believe however that if you cycled that set up it would not take nearly as long as if you had no biological media from your current set up . Anybody?


You mean: using some water/media from the current setup will take less time than without?
Im using water from the display, and am attempting a seeding of the hot filter by running it in the display for a while.
Either way, I'll still monitor the water like crazy and do water changes as necessary.


Can't you just use a product called "Cycle" or any other similar bacteria product to get the hospital tank to cycle right away?...
I'm in the process of setting up a QT as well...


Set up the hospital tank last night. Two pvc sections for hiding places, penguin hot filter, airstone, glass lid and ambient/room lighting only. Used 100% water from the display, and replaced the display water with freshly mixed saltwater.
Im doing tests and a water change this evening, and every evening its necessary. LFS didnt have anything copper-based for ich, so Im going to a few more stores today.
Fishes seem content for now, but will keep a close eye on them...Im sure they miss their big tank in comparison to being in the 'hospital'.


Staff member
Of course using the water from your main tank, seeding with a bit of sand, and using a filter from your sump will be better than starting from scratch, but the filter you mention has only just been in your sump for a few days. You have only a 20gal tank and a lot of fish. A tank that size, even seeded, is not going to be "cycled" enough to deal with that bioload.
I would recommend getting a good refractormeter, rather using the copper. You are going to kill what little biofilter you have by using copper and with that small tank and so many fish, I’d imagine you’ll need to do major water changes to keep ammonia/nitrite spikes from happening. And frequent water changes could result in difficulty in maintaining therapeutic levels of copper in your tank. There are online sources that sell refracts for reasonable prices [below $100] if you shop around. This is something that you will make good use of, so it won’t be an unjustified expense.


Sumeet: Penguin hot filter is a Penguin model 'hang on tank' filter made by Marineland Systems.
Beth: All valid points, thanks.