Setting Up my 12 Gallon Nano


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I have been following this board for several months now and really would like to setup my own tank. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of space in my apartment and I also hear that it is a good idea to start small. A local store is having a sale of the eclipse 12 gallon starter kit for $70, is this a good deal? What else will I need to add in terms of equipment for setup a small tank? Thanks for your help.


Welcome to the Boards!

First of all I would like to say, If this is your first saltwater tank I would go bigger, to a 55 gallon or something, becuase the biger the tank the easier it is to take care of. Also, saltwater Tanks are alot different than Freshwater tanks, most people mess up with the CYCLEING part, which is allowing your levels to rise and then drop. (this must be done with every saltwater tank)
If you do get the 12 gallon, you will need:
1. PC, VHO, or MH lights(if you want to keep corals n stuff)
2. Some type of filteration system
3. heater
4. powerheads
5. liverock
6. livesand
7. Testing equpment
I'm sure thier is things I'm forgetting
If you dont want a reef tank and you just want to have fish, Then you still need all of the above except number 1.
In a 12 gallon I would get 2 fish, 3 would be pushing the Bio-Load and that can cause some serious problems...
If you have any questions, feel free to ask,
Also, this hobby requires alot of pateince

HAVE FUN :happyfish