Setting up my 29 gallon tank

All right after cleaning out my room and making space for 29 gallion biocube tank. I am ready to start. I am going to use distilled water "target brand if it matter." Do you guy support this idea? Then I gonna start thing off from using leftover sand i didn't use up from my first setup 12 gallon tank. Add the 30 gallon worth of distilled water and wait for everything to settle and all. I was gonna start off by taking a live rock from my 12 gallon tank and place it to my 29 gallon tube tank. I assume all the dead bacteria from my old sand should start a cycle if not I will dump a rawr shrimp or ghost feed. After my tank is fully cycle. I was gonna transfter another rock over. Because i just want to transfer everything from my old tank over. What you guys think? let me know for tips. Do i need to do any water condition?


Well-Known Member

Put the rock in first so it is on the bottom and then the sand.
Does distilled water cost more than say Wal-Mart refill jugs? I think RO is better than distilled. Distilled is just boiled water nothing is removed. RO is purified water through filters removing everything in the water.


Active Member
Distilled is in some cases better than RODI depending on the distillation process. It is why laboratories use it instead of RODI.
I filled my tank with distilled originally and use it for top off.
Flower distilled is not just boiled water, it is boiled and the steam is collected then cooled back down into liquid again. All of the impurities are left behind much like evaporation leaves behind the salt and other things in your tank.
Have a read here on a thread I started about distilled water.
Distilled Water - Forums


Active Member
Not having time to read the above URL...... isn't distilled water filtered or (oh how to ask this and put into words that won't get twisted) isn't it boiled and the steam is caught and filtered or something?
Ummm the closest walmart to me would be a 45 min drive away. I don't have any jugs that can carry worth 30 gallon of water. Is a dollar for a gallon for the target brand distilled water. Would it do any harm if i use distilled water? Also how much you recomend me to get consider all the cycle and water changes it goes through. Should i buy new sand the live sand one I meant or use the old live sand i had but everything is probably dead by now. Umm Can i take out sand from my old tank and put that in the biocube? Thanks Also isn't the PH level are low on the distilled water? I currently using instand Ocean salt. Will that bring the PH to the correct level? Thanks.


Well-Known Member

Your LFS if it sells SW fish will sell RO water as well. Yes the salt mix will make everything up to the levels you need to sustain saltwater critters. It won't matter if it is live or dead sand, it will seed over time. You must put in rock first then add sand. You can't build on the sand it shifts.
Ok thank you flower. My local fish store i use to go to close down. :( they are moving. I am calling petsmart now to find out if they sell any RO/DI or distilled water hopefully. So let say i had the water. I just put it into the tank and don't need to add any type condition right? Just making sure ><
All righty! :D How many gallon you think I should get so this just be a one way trip. Like with the water changes and stuff to get everything at a settle level.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gundamseed31 http:///forum/thread/385242/setting-up-my-29-gallon-tank#post_3377791
All righty! :D How many gallon you think I should get so this just be a one way trip. Like with the water changes and stuff to get everything at a settle level.

Distilled is better than tap water...Get enough to fill your tank. You really need your own RO unit, it will save you cash in the long run, you will need regular water changes and top off water. (top off is regular RO water NOT saltwater. Water evaporartes but the salt does not, it remains behind. So you top off with RO water to your original water level)
All righty thanks. Hmm.What do you guys do for the filters in the back. I took out most of the bioball since been reading that they aren't helpful. What do you guys keep in the back of the biocube for filtration?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385242/setting-up-my-29-gallon-tank#post_3377810
Water evaporartes but the salt does not, it remains behind.
Or on the sides as salt creep.....

What do you guys keep in the back of the biocube for filtration?
Lol not sure exactly what you are looking for, but here is a run down... of my JBJ.... Kinda similar but what I have used for 6 years
First chamber...
filter sponge, Chemipure Elite, rubble rock
Second chamber....
Rubble rock, cheato (backing pealed off to expose for lighting), and heater
Third chamber.....
bio cube nano skimmer, maxi jet 1200 for return


Active Member

Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///forum/thread/385242/setting-up-my-29-gallon-tank#post_3378822
Or on the sides as salt creep.....

Lol not sure exactly what you are looking for, but here is a run down... of my JBJ.... Kinda similar but what I have used for 6 years
First chamber...
filter sponge, Chemipure Elite, rubble rock
Second chamber....
Rubble rock, cheato (backing pealed off to expose for lighting), and heater
Third chamber.....
bio cube nano skimmer, maxi jet 1200 for return


Active Member
my bio cube looks similar however, the shelf where the picture has the carbon pad on it and the floss, is that made by you or can you buy that? I have a long piece that goes from one end to the other.


Active Member
I found that the pads that come with the tank and go into the first chamber slot
Clog really quickly
Restrict flow as they clog
Are really expensive.