setting up my 55 gal and need some assistance

Hi al .. i am in the process of setting up my 55 gal ..the sand is in the water is in the filter is on .. it was only done last night .. now the water is stil alittle cloudy .. should i wait to put in the live rock until it has fully cleared or can i just put it in now .. i got like 10lbs for cycling which at the moment it sitting in my 30 gal ...thanks all


Put in now. This will help the cycle. The cloudiness will clear, and will clear faster with some power heads goin.
i plan to but the poer head i have i am going to get the media for it or do you think it is best without .. also should i wait until the cloudyness is gone to put the skimmer on or can that go on right away :)


Turn the skimmer on after the cycle is complete. BTW you only hav one power head?
You should turn the tank over 7-10 times per hour.
I don't have the pre-filters on my power heads. Some people swear by them to protect their fish, but they tend to be a pain to clean, and if you don't clean them, they trap nitrates.


I don't use prefilters on my powerheads--to me it is not the powerheads job to filter--filters and skimmers filter--powerheads move water, and help provide oxygen in the process (if properly placed)
Good Luck
on my 55 i have 2 power heads ,1 aquaclear 500 filter and a berlin airlift skimmer plus also i have a airstone in the tank as well for extra circulation and i plan tp put about 20-30 lbs of live rock...


I would still remove it, have you ever heard the phrase "salt creep". You will know what it is if you leave the airstone in. This is not a desirable thing.
The power heads will give you the air exchange you need.
ty very much .. i will take it out .. one more question if ya dont mind ... should i wait or can i add the live rock now .. i have 10lbs sittin in my 30 gal reef that i got just to help along the cycle of this tank ...ty you have been a great help


Active Member
add the lr now, and defiitely remove the airstone, with lr, you have a very god chance of getting a coral or sponge to, in addition tho the salt creep
i don't use media either for the same resons mentioned a bove, they need to be cleaned or....., and they add more bulk


Active Member
Boy that was a nice thread to read :)
Textbook example of how a BB like this can help people and great advise by all.
Good luck to ya tigerseyes01 !