Setting up my 90 gal. FOWLR


I recently purchased a 90 gallon tank and I am wondering what I should stock it with. Anyone have any ideas, or at least what I should stay away from? I am using a 10 gallon refugium for filtration and I am thinking about getting a protein skimmer. My RO/DI unit is on the way so I am still in planning mode on how I should set up my tank. I am also wondering what I should use as a substrate. Live sand or crushed coral. I know ls would be more beneficial but due to the lfs being out of it I am forced to order it if choose to use it and I am in Hawaii so it would take longer than I want to wait.


I had CC in my tank for 2 years and got to be a big pain with keeping it clean. A few weeks ago I notice my Nitrates were high and when reading i found CC could be holding on to alot of the Nitrates. So i ahve in the past week started switching to sand and have noticed them dropping. I would go with Sugar sized sand.