Setting up sw tank


Im setting my saltwater tank up tommorrow its 55 gallons.
Im gona add the sand and the salt. how long do i wait to add live rock. and after i add live rock how long do i wait to add FISH?


Active Member
You can add the live rock 24 hours after you have the temp and salinity correct in the tank.
You will be able to add your first fish 4-6 weeks after the rock goes in. You will need to wait until the ammonia and nitrite are definitely 0 before adding anything to the tank.


Active Member
Add the live rock tomorrow when you do everything else because it will help you with the cycle. The cycle will take about 4-6 weeks so in that time don't add any fish. I would so a search on here about cycling with a raw shrimp.
Good luck.


New Member
after u add the live rock u should wait till the tank is done cycling to add fish(should take about a month)