setup for my 125


Active Member
I'd like to know how thick sand i should put at the bottom of my 125 gallon tank... 6x2ft if anyone help it would be great:confused:


put at least 100 lbs of in your 125g if your poor like I am get about 20 lbs of live sand after awhile you will have 100lbs of live sand !!!!:)


Active Member
how many inches are you going for do you want a deep sand bed or a thin bed i recommend a thick one there are so many benefits to having a deep sand bed do a search on this site you'll find a lot about deep sand beds


Active Member
here are few pictures of my 125. I have 1-2 inches of aragonite fine sand and run a magnum 350 canister filter. I really don't like the DSB because it takes up so much space in the tank. My nitrates read zero and I only have to clean the glass about once a week if lots of sun hits the tank and the conchs and crabs keep the shallow sand bed nice and clean.


Fishman830 - Just wanted to stop by and say.
Welcome to the board, glad your with us.
I, prefer to have a 1 to 2 inch sand bed, lets just call it a preference. In my case about 80 pounds did it for my 90 gal. I used the Yardright playsand, same as Southdown, Old Castle.
Might have to upgrade someday though, I don't like that jlem has a larger tank than I do. :( Nice shot of you and the little one jlem ;)


Active Member
For a 125 with the standard footprint you need 90lbs per inch of depth. That should help you decide how much you need. My recommendation is 4" minimum. The benefits are worth the small loss is space.


I have 125 lbs in my 125. It works out to about 2 to 2.5 inches. It comes up to just past the black plastic on the bottom of the tank in most places.


Active Member
Would you know what the type of coral is in my tank on the right side in the middle of the star coral. At night it looks like a piece of leather molded in the shape of the rock that it is on. And it opens like, and waves like a star coral but does not have the colored centers like the star coral.


If you were to draw a verticle line between your daughters head and yours straight up? You mean that coral? Not sure, any chance of a pic close up when its open?
Been on the road 10 hours, I'm whipped. :(


looks like a Clavluaria to me. polyps look really long compared to other exaples that I have seen.