Setup Of My Fuge


my fuge is sitting right next to the tank.
first question is does it have be below my 29g tank?
second question is the fuge has 3 comparments in it (far right has the protein skimmer and the middle has the sand in it and the far left has my pump to pump it back into the tank). how do i get the comparment to stop dropping to where the pump is sittin there sucking on nothin but air--does it for about 2 mins and then it levels itself out.
third how would u stop an overflow of the big tank? for example..if the siphon in the filter box is broken to stop it from sucking out the water from the main tank the pump will continue to pump all the fuge water into the main tank and how do u stop something like that (from havin the main tank over flow)??


Hopefully I can help.
I am assuming you have a HOB overflow? If it is the kind that has two compartments then it should not lose siphon in the event of a power outtage. If only one compartment then it will drain all of the water and lose siphon. Then need to install a stand pipe in it.
The fuge will need to be at least below where the overflow comes out. Otherwise it will not have fast flow. Which kind of sounds like your pump is pumping water faster than it comes in the fuge. So what ends up happening is water has to build up enough in the overflow tubing before enough pressure pushes it over.
I hope I made sense?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
try throttleing down return pump with ball valve in return line. you might wanna post what size overflow box,return pump.sump dementions andline sizes going in and out.i sure someone here with more experiance than i can probably help you out if that dosent work for you.
Good Luck