Setup question


I set up my tank last saturday. My problem is, everytime I stir the sand at all, the whole tank just clouds up and it takes hours to get back to normal. Is this the norm?:confused: This is my first experience with Sand. Any advice would be appreciated!
55lbs LR
40lbs aragonite
20lbs LS
Emperor 400
2 Penguin 1140s
Skimmer (after cycle complete)


Why are you stirring the sand? You mean when you put new rock in or move exisitng rock around? Sometimes when I move the rock it will stir some up, but not enough to cloud the tank.


I wasn't actually stirring the sand, I was moving rock. I guess i won't get anything that burroughs or my tank will never be clear.:(


Active Member
As with most things in this hobby "this too will pass." Your tank is new and so is the sand. In time bacteria will coat every square inch of the tank and sand as well. Once that happens the sand will lose some of it bouancy. It will get stirred up but sink right away. You may see it in suspension for a minute or two but not much more.
Just more of that "new tank" stuff.
Good Luck!


Thanks alot Jumpfrog. That just made my day.:D I was starting to wonder about the sand thing. I shouldn't have to move anything else for awile.

nm reef

Active Member

In time bacteria will develope in/on your sand and the cloud storm effect will no longer be a problem. The cloudiness you've been experiencing is very common with newly set-up sand beds. Just let it settle and in time you'll have no problems.
NMREEF website
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