sexing Clown fishes?

37g joe

alright so I have been reading alot on figuring out the gender of clown fishes and I know the female is the biger one and if their are more than 2 clownfishes all the rest well remain juvinels.
Alright so does that mean that when a clownfish is born its not gender specfic it only gets its gender when it gets older?
If so does tha mean I can buy two young clown fishes of the same species and one well become male and the other well become female?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Alright so does that mean that when a clownfish is born its not gender specfic it only gets its gender when it gets older?
If so does tha mean I can buy two young clown fishes of the same species and one well become male and the other well become female?
Correct, and yes. :)


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
alright so I have been reading alot on figuring out the gender of clown fishes and I know the female is the biger one and if their are more than 2 clownfishes all the rest well remain juvinels.
Alright so does that mean that when a clownfish is born its not gender specfic it only gets its gender when it gets older?
If so does tha mean I can buy two young clown fishes of the same species and one well become male and the other well become female?

:hilarious The have read that is true, but I also read you should try to get them from different dealers. That way you aren’t taking the chance of inbreeding them.


Active Member
I've heard that it's easier to induce the outcome of a small juvenile by placing it with two older, larger females.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I've heard that it's easier to induce the outcome of a small juvenile by placing it with two older, larger females.
What do you mean???


Active Member
if you are thinking of getting maroons this process will be a much harder one because the female will attack and kill the male many times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
What do you mean???
in a single --- environment the juvenile will assume the --- opposite it's tankmate. since in most cases the female is larger it is safe to bet if you have two large fish they will be females and the juvenile will "choose", so to speak, to become male in order to continue the species....."nature finds a way" type of thing.


Active Member
There will only be one female in a group (I mean two or more) clowns, otherwise they will fight to the death.
For a pair, the more dominant clown will become female, and the second clown will be male. Any others will remain juvie. Males can change to females if she dies, but not the other way around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
There will only be one female in a group (I mean two or more) clowns, otherwise they will fight to the death.
For a pair, the more dominant clown will become female, and the second clown will be male. Any others will remain juvie. Males can change to females if she dies, but not the other way around.
So it's better to start with two very young sexless clowns and let them figure it out, rather than choosing a larger fish and hoping the juvy becomes male. ?


Active Member
I'm trying to pair my 2nd set of false percs and wonder now if I should exchange the large female for another juvy. Do the same rules apply to falsies as true percs?