sexy shrimp help

I love these little guys, they are so interesting to watch, except when they are picking very obviously at my zoanthids. I got them about a week or two ago and just stocked coral this last thursday. They appear to have started hosting a rock with 2 kenya trees on it and some zoanthids and pick at the base of the kenya but dont appear to do any damage. Tonight however i caught them off that rock and onto my lr where i have a very small and struggling frag of zoanthids. I saw my sexy get on top of the colony and pick at one head. it closed so i figured oh well ill leave it. The sexy kept picking at it and kept getting its hands into the little opening at the top of the zoanthid where it closed in on iitself. I got a turkey baster and blew some water at the sexy until it let go and blew away.
I have been spot feeding them since yesterday and had success with one and still working on the other ( i have 2). If i successfully get oth spot feeding a pellet a day will they stop this coral eating behavior or should i remove them from my tank?


Sexy Shrimp are Supposed to be Reef Safe.
"Native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific, this member of the Hippolytidae family is usually found amongst the tentacles of an anemone. In the home aquarium, however, the Sexy Anemone Shrimp is often found perched on a coral frag or outcropping of live rock. Most are equally fearless as they are beautiful and will scavenge in any area of the aquarium in search of meaty foods.
For best care, the Sexy Anemone Shrimp should be kept in small groups and fed a varied diet of plankton and flaked, frozen, and meaty foods. It is peaceful towards members of its own species and other tankmates."