Sexy Shrimp Question


Do you have to have anemones for a sexy shrimp to be happy? I don't have any corals/anemones in my 30G tank, but was looking into sexy shrimp. If they "must" have one then I would pass for now. Thanks so much!


Active Member
They don't need them but seem more happy with them. As long as you have lots of rock for them to hide out in they will be fine. The only thing I found is that many fish love to snack on them. My 2 ocellaris clowns had.....well.... a clown time and thought it was neat to grab this poor little cute shrimp and toss him in the tank and play tag with it. Needless to say it did not survive so I would be very very cautious as to what type of fish you are putting it with. They are very very cute but I found very delicate. Hopefully someone else will reply here for you as I know folks here do keep them so watch for more replies before making your decision.
Good Luck.....Deb


Hey Deb, thanks for the reply. Yeah I plan on doing a good bit more research on these guys. In my tank I have:
1 False Perc
1 Bi-color Blenny (very small)
1 Wheeler's Watchman Goby
1 6-line Wrasse (also very small)
1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
Snails and Hermits
1 Feather Duster
I don't think anyone is very aggressive in my tank. My pistol just snaps at people when they get too close to his holes, but hasn't hurt anyone.


Active Member
I think a sexy will be a meal for somebody in your tank unfortunately. I think all of your fish would be likely candidates for nibbling. I have the same problem, really would love a few but my fish are not sexy shrimp proof. From what my LFS has said it isn't even that the fish try to eat them, but they automatically go after small moving critters in the tank for a nibble and this can be enough to kill the shrimp.


Active Member
i have two sexy shrimp in my reef tank with a pink skunk, and bangia cardinal. I do have a couple of different anemones. they stay within four inches of the anemone but arent right in it.


Active Member
Sexy shrimp do dine on dead skin from their host anemones. It also is not known whether they feast on the live anemone as well (doesn't hurt the anemone). Having no anemones might lead to the shrimp being malnurished. My guess is that they would most likely be stressed.


Thanks for the help everyone. Looks like I will wait on these guys. I will be starting a nano tank soon and will keep these guys in mind when stocking. Thanks again.