SFE diet

Silver sides are fine, but try to vary there diets. Krill, shrimp , clam and squid. My experience is that eels tend to get bored of one type of food item over a period of time. Give them a varing diet and they seem happier and it is probably a little healthier for them. The undulated will any of those to.


Active Member
You can also buy larger frozen shrimp and cut into chunks. My SFE loves it and it stays together so you can use your skewer to feed.
Again, variety is best. Mine never gets the same thing twice in a row.


Actually, silversides AREN'T a good basic diet for snowflakes, as they are specialized crustacean feeders with even their teeth modified for crushing....you'll find that on a diet of raw shrimp and squid or octopus (available in many Greek or Japanese specialty food stores) he'll do much better, and grow very nicely.
If you try the squid (cut into suitable sized pieces of course) be prepared for a reaction comparable to a feeding frenzy when you offer him his first piece.
Many to most SFE's will actually refuse fish if offered anything else, and once switched over to their normal diet actually become suitable as community fish.
We've had the one in the photo ( his name is "Lover"....it's Amore' **grin**) for almost 5 years and he's nearly 3' long.
Silversides are a small silver fish. Mine eat silversides and krill. They to only want to eat things at the time they want to. Sometimes they will not want to eat the silversides they will eat the krill.
Sarah :)