SFE Not eating all of a sudden

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have had it about 8 months now. Was eating everyday to every other day. Squid, shrimp, krill. Feeze dried shrimp. Damned near anything I put near its mouth. Now its been day 4 and it wont touch a thing? Water is fine. Nothing has changed.

small triggers

Active Member
UMMMM, usually you only need to feed once or twice a week. maybe hes finally going on a diet. no need to worry until about day 14.

crypt keeper

Active Member
well he was growing like wildfire. Grew about 4 inches and doubled in girth. Very happy. Well i will wait and see.
Are you really only supposed to feed once a week? This thing went out and tried to eat my other fish so I was keeping it happy. It leaves the fish alone now and wont eat either.


Active Member
Its not unusual for eels to stop eating for a week or 2 at a time. I feed my SFE every other day, but there is no one best schedule.


maybe if you cant get him to eat at all you could get him some ghost shrimp or damsels just to get his appetite back