

I just got a snow flake eel a two weeks ago
I got it to eat frozen food
but he only eats krill
Ive offered silversides but he refuses
anybody got any suggestions
I just know that its not getting a balanced diet


Active Member
Cool! Feed him gulf shrimp,SQUID, clams,ect. Go to the seafood market and pick out some stuff. Mine LOVES squid. I wouldn't feed your nfe silver sides. 97.2% of silver sides is moisture.....


Active Member
try RAW shrimp , squid ,muscles soaked in garlic xtreme Or minced garlic.
Cartman please listen to me when I say that all the food is made up of moisture. it's one of the primary ingrediants in all frozen food.Next time your a the LFS look at the moisture content of all frozen foods. If they didn't have a moisture content they would be dried foods and not frozen. Moisture is water .


thanks for the responce il definetly have to try the other things beside shrimps it definetly eats enough of those