Shakespearian Clownfish Tragedy


So about 10 days ago, I stock my nano for the first time after its cycle. (The cycle being 6 weeks with LS and LR peppering it with brine shrimp and occasional food flakes to get it started) Well in the first stocking was one perc clownfish, and a cleaning crew consisting of 5 pep shrimps, 10 turbos, 10 hermits, a emerald and a brittle star. Enough bug life had established itself in the tank to support the inverts and a healthy bit of algae had grown. Well, the little clown never really made itself home, always hanging around a corner. After about a week of this, I figure that percs enjoy other percs, so I went to the LFS and got another about the same size (actually a little smaller 1 1/4" to the other 1 1/2").
Well they seem to get along like BFF swimming all over, so I'm happy.
About 3 days after the intro of the 2nd I notice a) sand has been swept away from a rock in a "nest" like way b) the fish are doing some variation of the macarena around each other and c) the bigger clown is back to his loner antics. Well their little dance gets occasionally violent (though rare) so I do the research on behavior and come to the conclusion that they are going through the dominance routine.
Sadly, the dominance of the smaller more active fish was established over the bigger perc by the death of the latter. I thought that percs were generally okay with other percs and these seemed to both be juvis so I don't get it. The dead fish doesn't have any indications of severe fighting, so I'm to the conclusion that the fish was doomed upon introduction and thus their love was not meant to be.

Sorry for the cheese, but has anyone ever had this happen?


Yeah, we had something similar when we introduced a third clown to our exsting pair. They didn't take kindly to the new neighbor and would often get into fights.
We put him in our other tank.
I think the rule of thumb is to add them all at once to your tank as they become territorial to other clowns.