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Lion will shed every once in a while, if your lion has been doing this often it can be a sign of improper health, stress or water quality.
If you water is fine and the lion is not stressed or being picked on, than I would look at the diet.
What are you feeding and how often?
Are you soaking all of your foods in vitamins?
Hi, my water quality is fine, my water changes and readings are done promptly.
This lion I have had since December, quite the picky little fellow indeed but has doubled in size too. I feed frozen krill, brineshrimp, mysis shrimp
I do not soak my foods as they are already soaked according to the package in minerals and vitamins (Hikari brands only I use)
I have offered: scallops, squid with absolutely no interest.
I just fed tonight and she took everything I offered. So I don't think she is sick but i was just curious about this slime I had noticed from time to time. But if it is normal than there is nothing to worry about.