Share your experiences with starfish?


Active Member
I've had 2 brittle stars, on a green brittle that crawled out of my tank after about 6 months. We found him on the carpet. The other was a red serpent that got a bacterial infection that ended up killing it.
I have had a Echinaster echinophorus, red thorny star for about 3 1/2 months. This star is an algae grazer, is in an established 135 gallon reef tank with about 180 lbs of live rock.
I love this star because it never hides and is very active. It's name is Gumby and he is as entertaining as the fish.
So what have your experiences with stars been? What kind? How long have you kept one? Pics?:)


Active Member
ive had various stars.... currently i have a sand sifter and a serpent star in my 100 reef they r doing very well have had the serpent over a year and the sand sifter for like 6 months.... i also had a chocolate chip for a long time until he started eating my polyps so i traded him back in to the LFS
ive had bad luck with a red linkia and a red general dont know why but those two did not last very long in my tank :confused:


I have an orange linkia and purple brittle star (without brittles).
The brittle star lets me feed him; I'll hold food under the water for him and he hurries across the ls & over the lr for his food. He jumped (literally) on my hand the first day I got him...scared the pee out of me. Poor baby was hungry!
The orange linkia reminds me sometimes of a drunken little old man...they way he lays around on the lr is a hoot. I know they aren't supposed to eat polyps, but mine ate the yellow polyps off a frag. Either that, or the star rubbed them all off the rock. Regardless all the polyps were gone (except one on the very end of the frag) after the star removed his body from the frag. I worry about him getting enough to eat since I can't spot feed him. He looks ok. I've had both star for 5 mths.