sharing pics of my 300 gallon


this is my 300 gallon, i had to combine what i put from my other reef tanks that i didn't get rid of, and boy is there a ton of fish together, so far its been a few weeks and everybody gets along for know, but soon 2 of my other reef tanks will be ready to spread some of these fish, i can pick up most of the fish with a clear container to catch and they don't run from me from being used to handling them.




my poor huge red carpet got sucked up by a tunzee big boy , but he's healing and fine now, it was a close one.



Active Member
WOW that is a TON of fish! Looking great though! Like an actual reef with that much life on it!


thats what i said, all this time i had them of course in different reef tanks, but i never got to experience this in my own home, i have 4 skimmers running, in 2 big sumps, all uro reef skimmers, and i do a water changes twice a week, about 20 gallons.
there are lots of fish that this crappy camera doesn't see
in some pics thats flakes floating around.



my 2 skunk clowns

my true percula clown, i have him now for 6 years

clarky clown has his own green carpet and one of the larger clams


this pic shows the three large gigas clams from left to middle to right.

with many happy reef fish.


New Member
I tried to set up my 72 gallon tank, but all my fishes died in 1 week after 8 months of swimming beautifully. I'm totally jealous....congratulations to an awesome setup.
Keep it up!!!