shark behavior


Hey all,
Two days ago I added a two week old bamboo shark to my 180 gallon. Since then, he has slept all day and been active at night swimming along the sand(sometimes crawling with his pectoral fins), and then he will occasionally swim up and down the walls as if he were exploring the tank. He is currently eating squid cubes that I soak in zoecon and then hand feed to him. After eating, his respiration rate is around 33 gmm.. This is pretty normal right? The tank temperature is at 80 degrees.
I believe that he is doing perfectly well but I just wanted to make sure that all that I just said is normal.


How big does a bamboo shark get and how fast do they grow? Sure seems like he will out grow a 180 gal. tank really quick. I'm really not trying to put down you having it. I know absolutely nothing about sharks in captivity except I see the one at Pet Extreme here in town and he looks like he is going crazy just swimming back and forth all day long.


yea it is fine but i agree with knots the tank is too small i would upgrade him to a 250 in atleast 1 to 2 years but till then i would lower the temp to about 75 and don't do it right away lower it by 1 degree every 2 hours till its about 75 degrees


75 degrees?? why that low? why not 79 or 80??? Imo and from what ive been reading on the topic of water temp for aggressive tanks thats where it should be...or is it just everyones opinion??? if so i would leave the temp at 80- if hes doing fine


I am going to leave the tank at 80 degrees... The only thing the higher temperature will do is increase growth rate and respiration rate. Both are good because once he gets past the juvenile stage, he will have a stronger immune system and will be less susceptible to disease. That may seem like odd logic, but it makes sense to me.