Shark egg?

Would i be able to hatch a shark in a 125 gallon reef.Im not sure if im gonna get one but would i. and if i did how would i catch it to take back to the store when it gets to big?Will it bite me


Shark egg???? I thought sharks were livebreeders LOL.....J/k... You're talking about the black banded cat shark? if so they are said to require 180gal as adults, so your 125 would be good to hatch it and raise it for some time, you may even be able to get away with keeping it. As for catching a 3-5ft shark,,,, goodluck lol


Before heading down this road, I would strongly suggest grabbing a copy of Scott Michael's "Aquarium Sharks & Rays: An Essential Guide to Their Selection, Keeping, and Natural History"
I had an interest at one point in doing something similar. Read the book cover to cover several times. It only took once to realize that even the smallest sharks require much more room than I could provide, and getting rid of them is troublesome. Most LFS won't take them and nor will public/private aquariums. The rest of the reads were done because it was such a great compendium of things I wanted to truely understand even if I wasn't looking to keep them.


I do agree that getting a copy of Scott Michael's "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" would be a great starting point.
Not so much for the tank sizes (which is a load of crap IMPO) as for the Basic Shark/Ray Husbandary that the book includes (which is pretty much on the money).
But if after you get and read the book - your still really serious about getting a shark. Do Not get the Shark Egg - but instead buy a pup - preferrablely one that a copy of months old. An Inexperienced person attempting to raise a shark from an egg is asking for trouble. Sharks Eggs often have a high mortality rate. and even if the shark hatches - many pups may never eat.
By getting a pup that at least a couple of months old - your pretty sure that the shark will eat on it's own.