Shark Egg?


New Member
Just bought egg. Should I be worried that its all yolk no embryo? Also when i first put it in my tank a white milky substance was slowly coming out of one end is this a dud or is it alive?
Thanks Steve


Ask Risc he knows sharks, the only thing i know is eggs are risky investments, and the only thing you can do is give it time, how much i don't know.


New Member
Hey sharks if your out there and know anything about this please help. When do i know that its a lost cause, will dead egg raise nitrates if so I want to remove it as soon as i can confirm its not fertilized.


Im no shark, but I did hatch one of these sharks. My answer to your first question is, don't worry that there is only a yolk. It has to start somewhere right? It sounds to me like you have a very young egg.
But as for the milky substance. Well, it doesn't sound good to me. Are you sure it wasn't air bubbles or possibly a lower SG water leaking out? Sorry if those seem like stupid questions, Im just trying to eliminate variables.
My advice is when choosing a shark egg, to buy the most developed one you can find. That way not only do you have less time to wait, but you know that it is at least progressing towards hatching as a healthy baby shark.
Just my opinion :)