shark egg


how long does it take for them to hatch. Would it be ok to get a small bamboo shark and a shark egg in the same tank. Are the shark eggs hard to keep once thay have been hatched. Would it be best to just get 2 shark eggs.


as far as how long they take to hatch it depends on how old the egg is mine took 5 weeks.u could get 1 shark egg and 1 shark hat would b fine the hardest thing is to get the shark to strt eating after they hatch i hatched one and he ate right away but ohers have hatched one and it hasnt started to eat for like a week or so so when they do hatch give them like 3 days then try feedongu have to offer food every day just about to get them to start eating.u just have to take ur time good luck


New Member
It took mine 6 weeks to hatch, and he started eating the next day, using a turkey baster with mysis ( thawed and rinsed in ro water). Here is his pic in his egg you can see the yolk inside. and then the night he was born :) Also FYI. when u get one and you remove it from the bag you brought him home in, the transfer to your aquarium might cause air to get into the egg.. if he floats squeeze the end of the egg and it will release the air.You can see inside where he is so you dont squeeze him .. Good luck ..


Active Member
I hatched a shark egg also, it took 3 months. He ate right after he hatched, now he is huge. Good luck if you get one. I now have two sharks that were hatched from eggs in home tanks, (one is my boyfriends friends, we are shark sitting) and they get along great, they are always swimming together, and I swear they feed eachother.
:) :D
:joy: :yes:
:cheer: :happy:


no not if ur not gonna upgrade in a couple years a bamboo needs at least a 180 gal tank when full grown
AHAA, YES, tanks for SHARKS, hers what my daughter does
1. egg

> in a 55gal for one year by then the shark should be 18" an going threw it's NIGHT MANEUVERS, an making LOTS OF noise in the tank.
2. then 125gal. for more SWIMMING ROOM, growing to 26"
3. an NOW she should need a tank at leaast 3 times her lenth, so she can SWIM, an at least 1 1/2 times he lenth wide, so she doesn't get cramped when turning around, I would look into a 8x3x2 size tank if you plan on keeping that fish for a LOOOONG TIME, heres a pic of a another species of shark so you can look at SIZE it should get. this one is 38" long her body is about 8" wide. an her fins are 5" each Putting her Total WIDTH at about 18" from FIN TIP to FIN TIP, Id say she will need some turnning ROOM, when reaching adult size.