shark feeding question

ryan hunt

New Member
IS it ok to put tank mates that you know your Shark will eat in the tank and leave them for the sharks to eat anytime or is it better to use a feeding stick If its ok to use the tank mates can someone give me some names of the fish I need to get . :thinking: or can i do both -use the the feeding stick and tank mates


if you feel like wasting your money on expensive food for him tankmates are the way to go, most sharks will eat prepared food that is dropped in for them, you might have to train him to eat it like that though
what type of shark is it??
how big is your setup??

shark bait

You can get much better food that have suplements and other needed vitamins that live fish bo not have. This will also make your shark go after anything in the tank if you do this. I know how the food chain works, but I would not put in a goby just to watch a shark kill it. "Fish are friends not food."