shark feeding????


i have a 90 gallon tank currently saving up for a 220 gal tank and in the 90 i have a yellow tang, blue tang, sailfin tang, powder blue tang, a snow flake eel, a red volitan lion, and a black banded cat shark and i just got the dhark 3 days ago and it wont eat (of course) and i was wondering what i can give it to make it start eating???? i already tried sand eels and krill
prob 6-8 mths before i get the 220 up and running


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
i have a 90 gallon tank currently saving up for a 220 gal tank and in the 90 i have a yellow tang, blue tang, sailfin tang, powder blue tang, a snow flake eel, a red volitan lion, and a black banded cat shark and i just got the dhark 3 days ago and it wont eat (of course) and i was wondering what i can give it to make it start eating???? i already tried sand eels and krill
prob 6-8 mths before i get the 220 up and running
Try some ghost shrimp or some squid, or try small piece of peeled shrimp. But try the squid first. If you got the shark from you Lfs did you see it eat before you got it if not the shark may take awhile before it start to eat. It could take up to 2 weeks before the shark to start to eat. I feed my sharks squid and silversides and peeled shrimp, good luck hope everything works out.


i would get saltwater white shrimp. my shark loves them. mine also eat silver side. i get white shrimp 500 at a time. i just put them in the tank and let the fish eat as they want to. good luck


thanks and no i bought it from a web site and where do u get squid or peeled shrimp from or white shrimp
The Shrimp you can find at your local Grocery Store. Squid can be iffy -since some grocery stores may not carry it. But Remember - you want fresh raw shrimp (preferable saltwater) not cooked. Frozen is okay - if you don't have much of choice.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss.
Probably should hold off on any large fish until your much bigger tank is set up. You're currently well overstocked as it is.


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
thank you anyways my shark passed on earlier this evening

Sorry for your lose. I hope it works out next time you try to get a shark.