
I know this subject gets brought up alot, and I did do a search ahead of time. But Im getting worried about my bamboo shark egg.
I bought the egg about 3 months ago, and the shark has been maturing rapidly and doing great. About a month ago the yolk sack was approximately the size of a quarter. I've watched it shrink as the shark grew, and 1.5 weeks ago it was the size of a pea. The sack disappeared along with the umbilical cord about 6 days ago. The shark looks huge for the egg, and is getting a little less active. My LFS told me if they stay in the egg too long they will starve to death. They suggested helping the shark hatch. Im a little reluctant to mess with nature, but at the same time I don't want to let it starve. Have any of you (RISC especially) ever done this? Should I?
As always, thanks for the help.


I have never heard of anyone having to force or help the shark hatch. With all the ones I've hatched it's never happened once and I have never not had a shark hatch. I have had 3 or 4 die after birth from starvation... but thats pretty good odds since I have hatched hundreds of them. I would just give it a little more time... it may break out any day now. And yes the shark is almost 2 times the size of the egg when it breaks out. I wouldn't personally try to pry it open because you could cause more damage to the shark by doing that.
That's my own opinion of course... you can do whatever you want. I wouldn't worry about the yolk too much, I have had eggs longer than 3 months.


Thanks, thats why I asked. I knew you had been through this many times before. :) I'll just leave him alone. I'll post when he hatches, hopefully with a pic. :D