shark newbie help


Hello i am thinking about getting a shark..let me give u my idea..i am on the second floor of my house now and will be till january when i will be moving 2 floors down into my basement of my house..i will than be able to have a tank from 125-180gal..i want to get a banded shark egg or if i can find a really small newly hatched shark..i dont really see them much in LFS in NYC so if anyone knows of any good ones let me know..i was thinking about getting a 55gal or if a must a 75gal until january...will a banded shark be ok in a 55 for a few months? and if i get it as an egg than it will be an even shorter amount of time that it is in the please someone let me know what is the maximum amount of time to keep it in a 55gal? And yes i will def be upgrading by january or feb the latest..And do morays get along with sharks? THANK YOU


A newly hatched bamboo shark could live in a 55-75g for about a year, maybe even more. And after that I recommend you upgrade to the 180 instead of a 125. That way you wont need to upgrade anymore. Morays make good tankmates with sharks, just make sure the eel isnt big enough to eat the shark.


You are wise:D I agree. If I were to offer a little more advice. Do your research and get Sarks & Rays by Scott Michael it's a very good book and will answer alot of questions.


ok..thanks i figured that it would be alirght for a few months or a year...but the most it will be in a 55gal is 5 or 6 now lets get to the fun stuff....i want a small SFE a shark egg and one more thing if possible in the 55gal..I know from reading this board that triggers and puffers are no good with the what could go with the eel and shark in the 55 till i get the 180gal..and when i get to the 180gal will there be room for anything else? maybe another shark? Just looking for some suggestions..thanx again


For other tankmates at one point I kept two tangs(purple and hippo) with my sharks but I got rid of them because they'd always try to take the sharks food. With the eel and shark in a 180 you could probably do one more large fish with them, like maybe a grouper or tang(if you've got really good filtration) or something.
Also get that book Aquarium Sharks and Rays, like AC said it'll answer most of your questions.


New Member
ok..ill try to get my hands on a book,,,whats good filtration for the 55gal with the shark and eel??


sorry that cw1126 was my other name i made cause this one wasnt working but now i have it working so..i will be under this one from now on. not cw1126, but that was me.
CDUBBS, 55GAL WET/DRY an a MECHANICAL FILTER should do fine, thats what MY daughter uses an raises her sharks in for the first 8 months, then into a 125, then into a 350.


ok thanks..i am gonna go get my setup on $90 good for a 55gal with the metal stand?? And the guy at the store said he will make me up a saltwater guessing filter,heater,salt,hood,lights and all that so ill have to see how much it comes out too..cause i dont need the filter cause i already got a hang on powerfilter,and i have a light fixture. If needed i will buy a hand on wet dry filter(like with a biowheel) but i have 2 power hang ons to use for now. and im gonna order a skimmer online cause in the store they ---- u..ok thanx again everyone


what about a tang or an angel with the eel and shark?
or maybe a polkadot grouper?
any suggestions on a 3rd tankmate?


No large angels with sharks. Dwarf angels might work as well as tangs like I said earlier. Groupers are fine too. Some other fish to avoid are filefish, butterflyfish, puffers, and (arguably)lions.