Shark pond pics


Active Member
How big is the whole system? Any full pond pics?
Sharks look good, are they eating well?:happy:


This pond is a 125. In the future, in a about a couple of months im going to build a much larger system about 3 thousand gallons or so. The coral cat and bamboo are feirce eaters. Espeacially the bamboo. Also the wobbiegong I have in there has crazy feedings. She strikes the food so fast!


The pond im going to build is going to made out of wood. Im going use a pond liner on it. I want to make it at leat five feet in the width. Im want to make it a cool shape not a square because i thinks its kinds a boring. I want to make it like a L shape. One length side would be 12 feet and the other 12ft and the width would be 5ft. I want to make it 3 feet high.


Wouldn't it be better to build one in an oval shape. That way the sharks would have plenty of swimming room and no corners to run into? Just a thought.


Why not get an industrial pond liner for dirt cheap and dig a pond? That way you can go bigger for cheaper and be in groiund helping with the temp.


You couldnt dig one becuase it wouldnt work out because this is going in my basement and its solid concrete. Im not sure what shape im having it but if I have the L shape im going two curve the corner so its round and doesnt not hurt the sharks or rays snout.

jackie dh

What a cool idea!!!! Hhhmmmmm..... I have a big basement...... hehehehe....... getting more idea's...........hubby said that he wanted a shark the other day, so......... it would be his fault! I wonder if you could put a small window in the side so that you see them even better. If it were fairly small you wouldn't have to spend a lot on it..... hhhmmmmmmm....... more idea's....... look out hubby!


Active Member
I'd love a shark pond, but i'd get bored looking at the sharks from above all day. I'd have to build one where I could view from the side, and that'd just be too expensive right now. Not the tank, more the tons of salt, maintenance, and filtration really.

jackie dh

You can buy huge round stock tanks at the farm stores, that hold around 4 or 500 gallons and cut out, say 12 x 24 holes in the sides and put in plexiglass windows every so often. Being small, they wouldn't have to be really thick, so they would be cheap. I don't have any idea what kind of filter it would take, maybe a big home made wet dry filter.
I wonder were one buys that much salt? Even the cheapest store's salt here is $45 a box for 200 gallons. That would add up fast with water changes. Still it looks like a really fun idea!


Active Member
You need a serious filter, I'd think skimmers of some sort would have to be involved due to the high nitrates caused by shark waste. Even without a skimmer you'd have to have really powerful pumps to turn over the tank and pull it in and out of your wet-dry. And then there's the power costs to run those pumps and the big heater to keep the system temp in line.
And I wasn't thinking 4-500 gallons, I want more 1000+.


Active Member
And then I'd have to light the tank if I actually wanted to see something, and have to get in there to scrub it.:eek:


I don't mean to jump in here but I make my own salt mix for my shark pool and have saved a lot of money doing such. All the components are easily found and are quite cheap. The best thing is that my sharks don't show any problems with the artificial mix. If anyone is interested let me know and I can either email them my recipe or I can post it here. If you want to see pics of my set up just follow my link.
My Shark Group
It is quite possible to add a viewing port to a hard sided pond. All you need is some flexible plexiglass and aquarium sealant. The problem is that the pool has to be completely dry and you have to allow the sealant to cure before filling the pool.