Shark pond


At my local fish store they have a 2000 g pond with two reef sharks.Would that be enough for those sharks.Risc if you can tell me the demensions of the right size pond for a b t reef shark.


Well I'm going on the assumption that they are black tips because that is the most often seen reef shark in stores. 2,000 gallons isn't enough for them when they are adults. If you wanted to make a pond for them you could do something like 10x5x4 for one blacktip. That would be only 1,800 gallons but the size of the tank would accomadate one shark. If you wanted two you'd have to look at a 10x10x4 which is 3,000 gallons. You of course would have to view them top down. If you wanted to build a standing aquarium for them you could do a 14x4x4 which is 1,600 gallons.
These are the absoute smallest you could make the tank sizes for just one shark. Blacktips should live in a tank of 3,000 gallons or more... something like 6,000 would do excellent.