shark preference


Hi i was wondering which shark you would pick if u can only have one: the bamboo, whitespot bamboo(marble), epaulette, or port jackson? Which are most active, best feeders. etc. Thanks


Active Member
Is this just a preference question...or do you plan on putting a shark in your 55 gallon tank?
A shark will die quickly in a 55 gallon tank. ..if it survives the acclimation.


No, actually i am setting up my 125gal tonight. And i was thinking of maybe keeping a shark in there for as long as i can then eventually upgrade. But i was also just interested in hearing others opinions on there sharks or sharks they have owned. I have to update my profile to 55gal and 125gal. I have had the tank on the stand in my apt for about a week but i had to wait for my filter to get delivered. So that will be all set up tonight. And if i got a small bamboo or epp or coral cat than i think that it will last for a pretty long time until i would need to upgrade and uprgading wouldnt be a problem. The only reason i didnt go bigger right now is because i got the tank and stand and hood for a really good price. So if anyone wants to reply and let me know what they think of me keeping a shark in this tank go ahead i am willing to take opinions on how long one will last and which will be the most interesting shark to have.THanks alot


Well a Epaulette and Port Jackson would both grow to big and be too active for yur size tank so i would go with a bamboo. You would probly still need a bigger tank eventually. An epaulette would be Most interesting IMO but wouldnt last very long


Yeah they would definately Last longer. You must Have excellent filtration although i am sure u already knew that. A coral cat is not as active as other sharks but they still need very good filtration.


yeah i have a wet/dry, and in about a month when the tank is more established i am going to purchase a top of the line skimmer.. By the way what skimmer should i get that will do a great job and last forever. And i also have a homemade wetdry on my 55gal right now which will become either a piranha tank or a new home for my bearded dragon. So i was wondering if i should make some type of refugium out of the old wet dry or just run both of them? Any ideas on other types of filtration such as UV steralizers or fluidized bed filters? Thanks for any info.


55gal right now which will become either a piranha tank or a new home for my bearded dragon.
Go with piranhas. I have a breeding pair and I love them.


I would do 4 max. The thing is, they need to be added all at the same time, same age, preferably from the same tank. If you only add say 2, but later decide you want 1 or 2 more, it usually ends up with a fight to the death. There will always be fights though. They will tear each others fins and sometimes you will find scars from a fight. It is amazing though how fast they heal. Mine actually just had babies again yesterday, too bad I didn't catch it in time and most became sucked into the powerhead or filter.