Shark salinity ????


I was reading a book today that said sharks are usually found in cold salty waters. It said to keep salt levels at 1.025-1.027 and a temp of 74. Currently in my tank, I keep my level at 1.020 and my temp at 79. For those of you who have sharks, what do you think??


Well first of all since this is a shark question it should have been posted in the aggressive forum but besides that....
My shark tanks SG is about 1.023-1.027 usually, I try to keep it in there. And the temp is about 75 degrees usually. The temp all depends on what kind of shark you have. Bamboos like yours and mine do fine in temps ranging from 72-82, while other species of sharks like temps in the 50's and 60's. Not all sharks are cold water. And personally I'd raise your SG a little bit.


Active Member
I am going to go ahead and send this over to Aggressive where you will find some more opinions.
Glad to see that you upgraded the set-up a little bit and are doing some research. Good luck.


This is bad to say.. but I really dont monitor my salinity... only when I do water changes do I even break out the tester... I hardly ever have to top off the tank.... my tank is a solid 1.023 when I do test it...