shark tank


New Member
hey does anyone know how I can clear up a 200 gal tank I changed the substrate from crushed coral to live sand cause my nurse sharks were kicking up too much dust. It is still the same but not as bad as before. I have 3 and haven't put any other decorations or anything cause I'm still bummed about the cloudy water. It's been running for a long time it used to be community.


Active Member
hmmm.... live sand shouldn't have clouded the tank real bad. Are you sure it was live sand? Otherwise you are just gonna wait until it setlles.


Are the sharks nurse sharks or some type of cat shark? I only ask because if they are nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum) and you have three in a 200 gallon tank then it is not the sand that is causing the cloudy water. That size tank is way too small for one nurse, let alone more. It is very likely the cloudy water is due to the tank being over-crowded and the filtration not able to keep up. There is also the added problem that the nurse shark can and will reach almost 9 feet in captivity and shouldn't be kept in anything less than tens of thousands of gallons.


I allready have some pics on the message board. The pics of the pond on on the agrresive and the subject is the beast. And of my 240g there are some on the photography forum under anglefish pictures.