Shark/trigger questions


New Member
I have a "medium" humu humu trigger and a lunare wrasse. They are hunting buddies. I'm very interested in getting a small shark, and i also LOVE blue spotted stingrays, but I've heard that triggers nip at sharks. I have a 75gal but looking vigorously to upgrade. Any thoughts?
Here's a pic of the tank when it was first set up w/the trigger and wrasse I'm talking about.


Active Member
personally I would never put a trigger or an aggressive wrasse in the same tank as my shark.triggers are too unpredicatable and wrasses are way too predictable. both pigs at feedings sharks need time to feed and with both above species this is not going to happen. if you want to get a small shark I suggest getting a larger set up and keep your smaller set up with remaining aggressive fish in it


The nipping thing (and with triggers it usually is an eye-nip) is the fish telling you that it feels threatened and the environment is overall a stressfull one for the trigger. Although in reality only the most unlucky, and probably clumsy, of triggers have something to fear from aquarium suitable sharks (catsharks), the triggers themselves don't know that. What the triggers do instinctually know is that a shark is near and it is a predator one step higher on the food chain. Basicly the nipping is a defense mechanism - "get it first before it gets you, or bite at it till it leaves my space." For the trigger to not nip, it would need enough space to not feel threatened. You would need a very big tank for this. I don't have a scientific minimum here, but for me, I wouldn't start at anything less than 1500 gallons to keep a catshark and trigger together. And even then you would have to stay on the less aggressive side of the trigger family, such as everyone's favorite (and mine) the Niger.
They are both cool animals, and difficult as it may be to choose one over the other, it seems unlikely that success can be found by mixing the two together. Others may have a different experience, though. I'm no expert so ask around!


i just put a 5-6 inch bluethroat female trigger in my tank with my coral catshark and there is no nipping going on as of yet, I also have a 125gal and make sure everyone is fed well. The only other thing in my tank is a SFE so everyone has plenty of room and they dont get in each others way, Humus are more agressive then the bluethroat so it would be more of a risk.


Active Member
Triggers, sharks and rays do not mix, in the home aquaria....nor do they mix with a 75gal. tank, along with the majority of the other fish in that picture.
Originally Posted by CDubbs
i just put a 5-6 inch bluethroat female trigger in my tank with my coral catshark and there is no nipping going on as of yet, I also have a 125gal and make sure everyone is fed well. The only other thing in my tank is a SFE so everyone has plenty of room and they dont get in each others way, Humus are more agressive then the bluethroat so it would be more of a risk.
How big is the tank and how long have the fish been together, CDubbs?


Active Member
TheWilsons, I wouldn't put a shark in a 75gal first place. A trigger, however, could be fine with a shark as long as they are among the "nicer" triggers (nigers, bluethroats,ect..). LOTS of people on another site told me my niger will 100% pick at my lionfish....NEVER HAPPEN! I have also seen sharks with triggers and puffers and they all seemed fine. So I would have to say yes that SOME triggers can do well with sharks, dunno about rays though? But to tell you the truth, I dont think it matters what kind of trigger you have what matters is their personality.


Active Member
I'll tell you what. All it takes is one "nibble" on the eye of a cat shark, ray, etc and you'll know that it wasn't a good idea to combine them. It may be fine for now...but there is very little comfort zone there. I have seen large angels nip the eyes out of bamboo sharks. Thankfully, the sharks carried on well nonetheless, being scent predators, but you realize that it could have been prevented and having to explain it every time does not make one happy. So while everything MAY be fine for now, once things grow, or if someone just gets a little snippy...a lot of damage can be done in one bite.
People always need to consider that there are risks with certain combinations, even if it hasn't happened to you. I also worked with a lunare wrasse that would methodically kill yellow tangs by eating there eyes out. Its nice for the public to have seen that. So the point about the personalities of the fish is right on


the tank is a 125gal and the trigger has only been in the tank for a few weeks..I actually just added a large female naso tang to the tank tonight. It has gotta be around 10inches long.


Active Member
You need to slow down and start researching a particular fish before you just go on impluse and get it.
A 10" Naso should NEVER, NEVER be in a 125gal. tank.
They may look cool, yeah...but you gotta restrain yourself from buying these fish that are too big for your're only hurting the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
You need to slow down and start researching a particular fish before you just go on impluse and get it.
A 10" Naso should NEVER, NEVER be in a 125gal. tank.
They may look cool, yeah...but you gotta restrain yourself from buying these fish that are too big for your're only hurting the fish.
I totally agree. Slow down and get a bigger tank if you going to be adding all of these things to your tank. A 125 is not suitable for everything that you are adding.
And like AW2 said, a shark or ray should never be in with a trigger or wrasse, or in anything less than a 180, preferably closer to 300 however. Sharks and rays grow large and need a lot of room to survive.