shark will not eat


i just put my banded cat in my new tank and he hasn't been eating ever since i put him in. The waters amonia, nitrate, and nitrite are at zero, and the PH is on the high side at 8.8. water temp is at 78degree's. I've tried dried krill, silversides, black worms and nothing. closest i got was that he tried to eat the black worms and then spit it out. all the other fish are eating fine, and i can't figure it out. breathing seems to be normal and he looks healthy. any clues?


Active Member
your ph is way to high! Get it down to 8.0-8.4, give your shark a day or 2 before he eats. How big is he and what tank do you have him in?


Give it some time. You'll see the shark get hungry in the evening and start to hunt for food. You could try feeding it at night after the lights have been off in the tank for a while.


Active Member
He should eat soon but for now, get that pH down. Do you buffer your pH at all? Do you put anything into the water to raise the pH or kH? If so, stop dong that.


i just put some powder in the water to lower the PH to around 8.2... hopefully it works... could that be the reason he's not eating?


Active Member
definitely could be one reason, although, be very careful. Do not do it fast or you will just stress him out even more. Do you have pH and kH test kits?


Originally Posted by dougai
How big is he and what size tank do you have him in?
about 6" he's in a 300g


Active Member
Is this a shark that you've had and that has been eating, and since going in the new tank its been a problem, or did you buy him for this new tank and don't know if it was eating?


Originally Posted by ophiura
Is this a shark that you've had and that has been eating, and since going in the new tank its been a problem, or did you buy him for this new tank and don't know if it was eating?
this shark is new to the tank... as per the LPS he was new there too so he wasn't sure if he ate...


Active Member
How have you been trying to feed it? Have you tried the tentacles of squid? Maybe feeding it with forceps right at its mouth?