Shark with certain fish


I understand you can keep lions and tangs with sharks. Also if your clowns are big enough they will be fine too. My question is i hear alot of, dont add this, dont add that. Im curious if anyone could tell me what fish are ok, typically the kind that wont kill the shark, like butterflies would. Thanks


Active Member
theres alot of do's and donts when it comes to tankmates for a shark. Basically you cant keep puffers,triggers and a few others with sharks. it also greatly depends on what size tank, how much rock, what the filtration is etc. etc.
heres an example of my tank, you cant really see the others in there but if you want any other pics just browse my name


Originally Posted by psusocr1
theres alot of do's and donts when it comes to tankmates for a shark. Basically you cant keep puffers,triggers and a few others with sharks. it also greatly depends on what size tank, how much rock, what the filtration is etc. etc.
heres an example of my tank, you cant really see the others in there but if you want any other pics just browse my name
I was hoping you would answer. you probably dont remember, but i have been watching your tank since you got your bamboo, you emailed me some pictures of him before you posted on here. Yes, i love your tank, im jealous. So are you sayin i can keep angels? Hate to sound like a newb, but I want a tropical tank with a bamboo. And i was told dont do angels and butterflys because they will try and kill the shark, which their are very tropical looking ones.


New Member
i have my white spotted bamboo shark with an emperor angel, flame angel, true clown, sohol tang, regal tang, royal gramma and green chromis. I hope that helps.


Active Member
IMO i wouldnt try to put any angels with a shark or ray . some people might be o.k with it for awhile just like people with sharks rays puffers and triggers...but one day the shark will have no eyes and then youll say " wish i didnt put an angel in with my shark"
cajunboy i have my white spotted bamboo shark with an emperor angel, flame angel, true clown, sohol tang, regal tang, royal gramma and green chromis. I hope that helps.
how big is the tank? white spotted get HUGE, and also how big is your shark?? the flame angel, clown and royal gramma wouldnt last 2 seconds in my tank with my shark so im assuming hes very tiny..
also keep an eye on the sohal they are very aggressive and i know sosmone who had a sohal with his shark and ray and had to take him back to the lfs because it tortured and injured them pretty bad( specifically the ray)
I had my brownbanded bamboo shark in my 420 FOLR for 2 1/2 years. It grew from 7" to 25".
I had it with all kinds of fish. 4 angels (emperor, flagfin, queen, personifer), 4 tangs (yellow, PB, Sohal, naso), Moorish idol, Red tail butterfly and random other fish.
No compatibility problems for the shark.
Over the 2 1/2 years, I did lose a number of fish to it: royal gramma, 3 large chromis, filefish, to name a few.
I recently sold the shark. The reason is that ultimately, I feel fish and sharks don't mix well. Fish need/want lots of rockwork, caves, hiding places, etc. Sharkie needed LOTS of open swimming room, and crashed through any and all rockwork. I kept pulling more and more rock out of the tank, and it looked crappy.


The compatibility list is really just a rough guideline(but a good one).
I've heard of people keeping sharks with angels, groupers, or eels successfully.
The truth is it depends on the species of each that plan to keep together.
Research each species - find out it's temperment. And how does it generally interact with other fish.Talk to people who have kept the shark your planning on getting - ask what other fishes that have kept with them(if any). But be sure to get the full name of the fishes - not just an eel or an angel.


New Member
i am glade that Michaelstern is having the same success as i have. My shark is in a 180 with all my other fish. The fish don't even pay attention to the shark since it always in the cave until feed time. As for my white spotted bamboo shark, it will probably grow to 3 ft and if i decide not to upgrade my tank, i have to option to give it to my friend dad..just put it this way, he have an 14ft tank and the house is built around the tank with an R2K skimmer.


New Member
what size of a tank do you have aquatic24? To have a school heniochus butterflies you must have a pretty big tank. Do you plan on add any other fishs?


i dont mean a HUGE school...a small school of like 5...this tank is not yet built. it is being built as we speak, custom design in a room of my home being is 144x48x48....about 12 feet in length and 4 foot in depth, with 4 foot width. About 1435g


New Member
with a tank that size, you can almost put anything that you see at the fish store in it. Just don't buy any other sharks beside cat shark. You will be fine.