I would like to get a Shark. I heard you can have Tiger Sharks. I think those would be interesting. What size tank should I get? And do you have good links to places with them? Thanks for any help. h*
First of all, welcome to the boards.Second i dont know much about sharks, but most can't be kept in anything less that a 180 Gallon tank. Also links to competitor sites are not allowed. Sorry i dont know more, once again welcome to the boards and Good Luck.
Personally NO shark should be kept in anything less then 300 gal JMO im looking to do a shark tank sometime in the near future but i am still currently reserching to figure out what might be suitable and best kept in a home aquarium. Hoping to build and pond in 1800 to 3000 gals havent decided but gotta ge3t all the ore's straight first.