

Active Member
thanks cali seems to have these red veins around his outter disc, and in three or so spots the viens look darker and a little blothcy...the red is not on his belly or anywehere else on his body just on his outter disc...he just got them yesterday and today when iw oke up they seem to be fading down a bit?? but what is this?? is it a parasite? did he get scratched?? stung? he never goes by my lionfish but i dunno!! BTW he is still eating liek a fat pig!! ia lways feed him his variety diet soaked in garlic as well! he swims around constantly, hes very active right when the lights come on and at night..hes always swimmign around, and then burrying himself... also ALL of my water paramteres are at 0.. i mean everything..salinity is 1.025, temp is at 74
what do you guys think??
thanks alot


Active Member
not an expert and don't flame me if i'm wrong. maybe lower the temp a little and lower the salinity to 1.023.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
thanks cali seems to have these red veins around his outter disc, and in three or so spots the viens look darker and a little blothcy...the red is not on his belly or anywehere else on his body just on his outter disc...he just got them yesterday and today when iw oke up they seem to be fading down a bit?? but what is this?? is it a parasite? did he get scratched?? stung? he never goes by my lionfish but i dunno!! BTW he is still eating liek a fat pig!! ia lways feed him his variety diet soaked in garlic as well! he swims around constantly, hes very active right when the lights come on and at night..hes always swimmign around, and then burrying himself... also ALL of my water paramteres are at 0.. i mean everything..salinity is 1.025, temp is at 74
what do you guys think??
thanks alot
most likley scratches when i had mine he was all over the place lr anything could scratch them i also had mine in cc as far as paresites i highly doubt thats the case sharks and rays have very high imnunity to parestites.keep and eye on him keep his water clean and they should go away


Jr, you know better.
I've had experience with stingrays before, and IME if the animal is in some sort of poor state, your first sign will be the animal seems stressed - i.e. doesn't eat, shy, generally lathargic. From your description, it seems your ray is happy as a clam. You didn't mention if you had any corals or anemones, but I assume you don't. Are the red marks indicative of scratch or rub marks, say the type an animal might get against LR? Most rays have fairly tough skin, but it is a possibility. Doesn't bring to mind any parasites. Just guessing here...sorry. Good luck, hope it is fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Jr, you know better.
I've had experience with stingrays before, and IME if the animal is in some sort of poor state, your first sign will be the animal seems stressed - i.e. doesn't eat, shy, generally lathargic. From your description, it seems your ray is happy as a clam. You didn't mention if you had any corals or anemones, but I assume you don't. Are the red marks indicative of scratch or rub marks, say the type an animal might get against LR? Most rays have fairly tough skin, but it is a possibility. Doesn't bring to mind any parasites. Just guessing here...sorry. Good luck, hope it is fine.
just trying to help


Originally Posted by jr2857
just trying to help

No big deal. But that sort of brings me to the advice me and a lot of other people have been trying to get you to take. I think it is admirable that you try to help, but here's the problem - you just took a guess with your above advice. I don't think it would have really affected a stingray, but that advice on other more sensitive animals could lead to disaster. You're learning stuff, and that's good. Heck, I've even seen some advice you give that I agree with, but you're denying someone the benefit of this website if you give advice that implies you have experience on the subject. You're kind of the kid brother of this forum, and I think people genuinely like having you around
but try and limit your advice to what you have experience in, that way nothing horrible happens to someone's tank. :joy:


Originally Posted by DennyCrane
No big deal. But that sort of brings me to the advice me and a lot of other people have been trying to get you to take. I think it is admirable that you try to help, but here's the problem - you just took a guess with your above advice. I don't think it would have really affected a stingray, but that advice on other more sensitive animals could lead to disaster. You're learning stuff, and that's good. Heck, I've even seen some advice you give that I agree with, but you're denying someone the benefit of this website if you give advice that implies you have experience on the subject. You're kind of the kid brother of this forum, and I think people genuinely like having you around
but try and limit your advice to what you have experience in, that way nothing horrible happens to someone's tank. :joy:
Excellent. Thats was good advice. Jr i like havein ya around.......just gotta stick with what ya know as stated above.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
No big deal. But that sort of brings me to the advice me and a lot of other people have been trying to get you to take. I think it is admirable that you try to help, but here's the problem - you just took a guess with your above advice. I don't think it would have really affected a stingray, but that advice on other more sensitive animals could lead to disaster. You're learning stuff, and that's good. Heck, I've even seen some advice you give that I agree with, but you're denying someone the benefit of this website if you give advice that implies you have experience on the subject. You're kind of the kid brother of this forum, and I think people genuinely like having you around
but try and limit your advice to what you have experience in, that way nothing horrible happens to someone's tank. :joy:
so many people give me huge explanations just like yours. i enjoy reading them all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
No big deal. But that sort of brings me to the advice me and a lot of other people have been trying to get you to take. I think it is admirable that you try to help, but here's the problem - you just took a guess with your above advice. I don't think it would have really affected a stingray, but that advice on other more sensitive animals could lead to disaster. You're learning stuff, and that's good. Heck, I've even seen some advice you give that I agree with, but you're denying someone the benefit of this website if you give advice that implies you have experience on the subject. You're kind of the kid brother of this forum, and I think people genuinely like having you around
but try and limit your advice to what you have experience in, that way nothing horrible happens to someone's tank. :joy:
i have to agree with this statement completely i admire his willingness to read and try to help others also .jr if you have read things to help thats great but your better off sending others to the sites you got the information from to begin with.we all read constanly about the fish we want but we do more research more carefully to the things we already own.even things we have read by expert alone dont always match our experiences. heres one for example I own a silver scat its a brackish fish everything i have read on this fish my experts tell me they grow to 5 1/2 inches and do great in a 50 gal tank.even wet web says this and they also state its not a hardy fish may if your lucky max out 2 yrs in a home point here is the simple arguemnt of experience .i have had my silver scat for over 4 yrs and its now 9 inches long.and i would have to drop kick this fish to kill it.even the experts dont know everything.because they have not experienced it all either. keep reading it will help you in the long run.share your knowledge by leading others to the right path.
not everything you read will be the case


Sorry for the hijack. That was my fault. We were discussing mysterious red markings on Cali Rays on the outer top rim of the animal. Has anybody had any experience with this?


I agree with the parasite thing, I have seen rays where they had parasites on there underside, but they were very visable to the

eye. Mine gets cut alot on the rock in my tank, but the rays seems to heal quickly. If they look like there going away and as stated above if hes avtive and eating I would not worry about it.


When I first started dealing with rays I was always worried something was wrong with them, I had read and heard from people on sites that they were so hard to take care of and keep. After a while I believe you will find they are very stable animals and quite easy to take care of. I have also found they will adapt to many different water conditions and tank conditions. Just don't worry about every little nick or mark on there bodys. Like said before if they are active and eating most of the time all is well!


Active Member
hey guys,,
thanks for all the advice,, yes now that im home after a long daythey are diminishing, i think it might have been scratches,, but as a new parent to the ray and this being my first one i got a bit nervous. just wanted to get some opinions to make sure he is alright. he is swimmign around like crazy and just ate a TON of food again.. thanks once again guys!!


im not an expert or have exsperience with them at all but maybe he was itchy :thinking:


Active Member
surf... you fall into the same catagoty at jr... the kid brother. If you dont have anything constructive to day, please refrain.