New Member
I am moving into a new house and cannot take my shark tank with me because it will not fit. My new tank will be no where near the size of my current system so sadly I have to part with my most beloved fish. I have two Leopards that I have raised since they were babies (about 3 years). They are both eating like pigs (as usual). They are a male and a female. Ihad hoped to soon build them a very large pond that I could house them in, but my finances are extremely tight because of the house purchase. I am selling them to only someone who is VERY experienced. I want to know how big your system is and how long you have been keeping sharks. I also require pictures so that I can decided if your system will suit these animals. Please don't even think about inquiring if you have anything less than an 8' x 4' x 2' tank (around 500 gallons. Also know that if this is your max size tank you will only be able to keep them for about a year. I really want something for them over 800 or 900 gallons. If you are interested please post threads and I will try to answer all of your questions. I live in Florida, and will not ship them unless you make some sort of arraingements with a marine company. The sharks are - 22 inches each (the female is slightly larger than the male).