Sharks in Texas Lake


Who says you can't release your shark when it gets too big?.... j/k
The following is from foxnews.
Someone's been putting sharks into a lake in central Texas.
Before anyone gets alarmed, the fish in question are three-foot-long Atlantic sharpnose sharks (search), which pose little threat to humans. They are, however, seriously out of their element.
On the night of Aug. 20, amateur fisherman Jet Smith dropped 10 jug lines — fishing lines trailing from free-floating buoys — into Medina Lake (search), a man-made body of water about 20 miles west of San Antonio.
The next morning, he pulled in one catfish — and something else.
"I walked up with that thing and [my wife] said, 'That sure is a skinny catfish,'" Smith told the San Antonio Express-News. "I said, 'It's not a catfish. It's a shark.'"
The shark had bitten down on the live perch Smith had baited the line with, but was dead by the time he brought it up.
"I've been fishing in this lake for eight years," Smith told the Bandera (Texas) Bulletin. "I've never seen anything like this. It was probably placed here."
On Monday, James Price pulled a second shark out of Medina Lake.
"It looked like a bull shark, and I know they can live in fresh water, but they shouldn't be in this lake," Price told WOAI-TV of San Antonio. It wasn't clear whether Price's shark was alive or dead.
Scott Nuñez of the University of Texas Marine Science Institute (search), who identified the species of Smith's shark, doubted an Atlantic sharpnose shark would live long in fresh water.
Still, Nuñez admitted, "I'm continually amazed by nature."


Active Member
Man, as Mike knows I am very much opposed to the release of these animals back into the wild - but I am talking about to the oceans. I can't BELIEVE that any person would be so idiotic as to release a shark into a freshwater lake. Shows you don't have to be all that smart, or responsible, to be involved in the saltwater hobby I guess :notsure:


Active Member
that is so said
. But im sure UHRH (Union of Hillbillies of Rock Hill) are all going down there on ther gas guzzlers, tourism.