Sharks...... (the fish, not the people)


I'm interested in getting a Shark, looking for advice. I know that my tank is too small to keep one into adulthood, however my LFS is willing to purchase back once a too large (he has a 600g in the store where he has several). I have a 48G Reef (well honestly, there is only 1 coral in the tank now and I'm a lot more interested in Sharks than anything else) and would like to add 1-2. I know that I need to let the tank settle for another 6mo first, but I'm interested in getting the data now.
Also want to know filtration req's for sharks.
48g, 2-301PH's, 1-402PH on a Protien Skimmer, 1-170BioWheel, Curenty 15lbs LR w/ 45 more on the way, 3" DSB.
Any & All opinions are welcome, please...


2 sharks in a 48 gallon?
ahahah. You want them for two weeks and your going to sell them back? :( Not going to happen, unless your lfs buys carcasses.


No sharks should go in your tank... if you really want to keep sharks, and your budget is kinda tight, then you could look at a 100 with some type of smaller cat shark that could live comfortably for its entire life in your tank.. :D


Ok, so just 1.
I'm looking for advice not smart a** jokes. When I said I was open to any & all sugestions I should have clarified. "I'm open to any & all CONSTRUCTIVE & GUIDING sugestions." If the sugestion is; "don't do it in such a small tank, look at getting a 100g first" or how about; "That may work, but only one will be happy for about a year".
Both of my LFS' have commentde that a small (5-6in) Banded Shark would be happy in my tank for up to a year. They both have seen pic's of the tank. I just want to know what the advice of this board is. I've found A LOT of great info here, I've also gotten A LOT of great info from these LFS'. I'm not taking either as gospel, I'm simply taking both and making my own from the two.
Thanks again....


I don't know what type of sharks you want to keep but in my experience I wouldn't try to keep anythig other than a bamboo cat shark or similar. I had a 200 gallon tank with a Sea Clone skimmer and a Aquanetics canister filtration system(which I picked up for $40 from ---- a few years back) and I very happily kept 2 leopard sharks and a nurse shark. I ended up moving so I had to get rid of the sharks and store that tank away for the future. A lot of people think that they are hard to keep but in my experience it was the same as any other tank. I would just try to provide the best enviroment for them. Ample room to swim is a must and a covered tank if you plan on keeping Leopard shark is a must as well. You don't sound like your just going to jump into keeping sharks which is good but if I were you I would be tempted to get a bamboo cat shark egg since they are pretty cheap from what I've seen. Not only that but when they hatch from the casing they are only around 6 to 8 inches long. Kepp it in the tank you have and see how it goes, then you have the option of getting a larger tank or trading it in. I wish I could keep sharks again.


Dude/dudess, get a big sump then, and a 1000 gph pump. Sorry for your casualties.
A question, will you be willing to part with your "1 or 2 sharjks" you spent 500 CASH for in 6 months? If yes, and they live, go for it. Buy a 150, and keep 1.
Also, in general, corals don't add to bioload. I see you mention you only have 1. 20 corals in a tank would probably be better than 1.
Don't get mad.
I'd like sharks too.


Active Member
i wouldn't do any in a 48 gallon tank , and although small at first, they do grow fast, adn should have enough room to swim back and forthand turn around in the tank withouth any problems,
i got to agree with iv:xx, if you can see it, get a 100 or larger and keep one for life, besides, if you get it now, you willnot want to take it back, adn they are probably counting on that, although if not, they willl make out b/c it is easier for them to take and acclimate and keep adn resell a larger shark than a juvie,a dn they willll not probably even give you what you paid, let alone all the money you got into it,
and could you please edit your one post above, fo r the kids sake on this board, just use $$ or ** instead of ss
now to your equipment, you need darn good skimming for sharks , most skimmers are over rated adn you should have double what you would regularaly nee, according ot risc, you would actually probably be better off asking him questions on shrks, he is often in the shark forum on this bb and has several shark tanks ans more sharks than most of us will ever have(actually 1 is more tan most o fus wil have, but...........)


Thanks for the advice. Still looking for any thing else anyone can add.
I'm going to continue this in a new post (for questions about a "Custom DIY tank").


Active Member
You dont want advise you want support..
Simply put, A 48gallon tank is too small for any type of shark.
But hey, its only money and a creatures life were tanking about right?


Active Member
I did read your your post about a custom tank, and thats the way I would go. I personally would never attempt to keep any shark in any tank under a couple or few hundred gallons. One of the lfs would tell anybody to put anything anywhere just to get a sale. And I think they are doing the same thing to you. Your doing the right thing by researching. Either way I hope you get want you want and you and the animal are happy.