Sharks Under Glass


New Member
I was watching the Discovery Channel today for the culmination of Shark week, and I got to see "Sharks Under Glass". Such a very interesting show not only for the shark factor but while watching you get to see how aquariums in essence take care of there SUPER huge fish tanks. The Mandaly Bay imports something like 13.000 pounds of "Instant Ocean" for their exhibit. Vetrinarians are starting to focus more on the care of sick fish more so then before. Which I thought was really neat. And I always wondered where and how they got the huge fish they have, and the transportation system they have is great. They do the same thing we do for our tanks just on a much larger scale, Water testing, cleaning, QT's, etc, etc.
I just found the show very very interesting and thought I would share. And if anyone has the chance to watch it again ( I am not sure if its on again) I would definatly recommend it. If anyone else watched it what did you think of it?


Active Member
Sounds cool, i'll have to check it out. Discovery always re-plays stuff like that a couple times. Usually late-night or the next week sometime. Thanks for the tip.