

Active Member
I know some people do this ..... But I am dead set against keeping any shark in captivity. Just my opinion. :D


Active Member
ITs been asked many times. Please do a search.
At best, and it is pushing it, IMO, some say you can keep a bamboo shark in something around a 180g tank. But I think that is a touch on the small side, IMO. More active sharks need significantly larger systems.


A freind of mine is a bio major and says at least 500gal. Youll get some that will say 350, but, sharks are big, and need to swim.


Active Member

Originally posted by JD
A freind of mine is a bio major and says at least 500gal. Youll get some that will say 350, but, sharks are big, and need to swim.

I'd agree with this for much smaller sharks, but a 6' shark would not fair well in such a small tank.