

Active Member
ok i need some information on sharks, what do they eat when there first born what about when there bigger whats healthiest for them what do they like to eat. how fast do they grow like feet or inches a year? are lions ok to keep with sharks? what if the sharks get stung? is that bad for them what about puffers would they try and eat one and get poisoned? lol lots of questions i want to get it all down before i finish setting up a new tank for them lol third time starting over... anyways thanx in advance!


Active Member
well all i know is im planning to sell my 75 right away for around a 250 and ill just keep the sand and rock in a plastic tub till i get the new tank in and setup any suggestions for the length and width? oh and i want to start from an egg just cuz i think itll be fun


yeah i started with eggs it is fun...i had my banded cat and he got about 10 inch or so in a they dont grow that fast, im not sure about other eggs you can get...hope that helps and mine loved silverside...wouldnt eat anything but that at first


Active Member
reef-where can i get silverside exactly what are they under?
pitbull- ummmmm i cant ask you for the site to find those eggs at if it is


Active Member
silver sides are usually frozen and you can get them at LFS. A bamboo shark will also eat frozen shrimp and scallops and they love frozen squid. just make sure everything gets chopped up small enough.
oh yea you have mail .