
So I have some questions about sharks since I cant seem to find what I am looking for. So here it is:
1. Can a shark be kept with a Lion/SFE/Stars & stripes Puffer/Lunare Wrasse?
2. Also I understand most people/places say 180 for shark, I have a 135 will this work for sometime? Getting bigger tank in near Future!
3. What is a good price for one? Assuming it is eating and all..
Thanks for your help!
Also what kind of shark is this? Cant seem to find it..?


Active Member
1. No - Puffers and Wrasse will nip/pick on slow moving, bottom dwelling fish...eyes, fins and tail will be the hardest hit.
2. No - the tank isn't big enough, honestly. If you're planning on upgrading to something in the 400gal, in the next 12 - 18 months, it's possible, short term.
3. It varies
And, it's a Coral Cat Shark
So only the wrasse and puffer would be the problems? Also I have read that the Coral Cat Shark is an active one would this make a diff since they would not always be on the bottom?


Active Member
Not just the Puffer and'd take the chance of having it stung by the Lion, or fight over food, with the SFE.
First and foremost, your tank is not big and has the wrong inhabitants.
This particualr one I am looking at is and has been in a 125 for 8 months with a SFE.. My SFE is also bigger then the one they have. So I dont think the SFE would be a prob.. But then again I am not sure..


Originally Posted by indigobluetc
So I have some questions about sharks since I cant seem to find what I am looking for. So here it is:
1. Can a shark be kept with a Lion/SFE/Stars & stripes Puffer/Lunar Wrasse?
2. Also I understand most people/places say 180 for shark, I have a 135 will this work for sometime? Getting bigger tank in near Future!
3. What is a good price for one? Assuming it is eating and all..
Thanks for your help!
Also what kind of shark is this? Cant seem to find it..?

You can tell this person who owns this shark should change his substrate to sand because that crush coral will hurt the sharks belly, JM2cents.


New Member
I have a bamboo shark in a tank with 3 different species of lion fish and a porcupine puffer and I have had no problems...Thats not saying that your puffer wont mess with a shark though...Ive found that it kind of depends on the individual fish. But I do agree you would need a bigger tank to house a shark and the bottom needs to be sand.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
1. No - Puffers and Wrasse will nip/pick on slow moving, bottom dwelling fish...eyes, fins and tail will be the hardest hit.
2. No - the tank isn't big enough, honestly. If you're planning on upgrading to something in the 400gal, in the next 12 - 18 months, it's possible, short term.
3. It varies
And, it's a Coral Cat Shark
yea it will work!! everybody will say it not big enouf but it will be fine untill u up grade.(not like the tripple there size overnight)


Active Member
The problem with a 135, is that the width is really to narrow for him. The tank is only 18" deep and the shark more then likely will START at a minimum of 12", especially those Coral Cat Shark which aren't offered in their eggs like Bamboo sharks are.
For tankmates, a Lunare is a definite no, and a puffer is risky at best. Lionfish and less aggressive eels, make good tankmates, the problem tank size. For a lion, crowd a shark and lion (I wouldn't keep a Volitan in a 135 FWIW), and the shark has a big chance of stinging himself on the lion. Crowd a shark and an eel into a tank, and good luck getting everybody food.
Just to drill the tank size point home some more, there's a late-night show on CW, I believe. Catch it tonight if you want, they have a small Bamboo, in a 220, I believe. Poor thing is very cramped in there.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
The problem with a 135, is that the width is really to narrow for him. The tank is only 18" deep and the shark more then likely will START at a minimum of 12", especially those Coral Cat Shark which aren't offered in their eggs like Bamboo sharks are.
For tankmates, a Lunare is a definite no, and a puffer is risky at best. Lionfish and less aggressive eels, make good
tankmates, the problem tank size. For a lion, crowd a shark and lion (I wouldn't keep a Volitan in a 135 FWIW), and the shark has a big chance of stinging himself on the lion. Crowd a shark and an eel into a tank, and good luck getting everybody food.
Just to drill the tank size point home some more, there's a late-night show on CW, I believe. Catch it tonight if you want, they have a small Bamboo, in a 220, I believe. Poor thing is very cramped in there.
its funny all of you say peoples tanks are not big enouf!!let them start and get the salt bug then they will figger out i want bigger tanks !!they can always use there small tanks for a sump or a QT tank.just let them start .you act likethere gonna put a 18" trigger in a 40 gallon tank.the fish need time to grow just like shoes did your moma buy u shoes (when you was little) that were 5 sizes 2 bigg?cuz some day you will out grow them??????i understand the more water you have the better but people need 2 start some whare!!!!


Active Member
That's just it, if he's starting, why not start with something appropriate? If he can't afford a big tank now, how is he going to afford a big tank in the future, with all of the extra costs of running a tank (or in his case, two sizable tanks, one being a reef)?
But to directly answer the concerns, no, the smallest Coral Cat Sharks available still come in too large for a 135.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
That's just it, if he's starting, why not start with something appropriate? If he can't afford a big tank now, how is he going to afford a big tank in the future, with all of the extra costs of running a tank (or in his case, two sizable tanks, one being a reef)?
But to directly answer the concerns, no, the smallest Coral Cat Sharks available still come in too large for a 135.
but im right let them go small then they will "get bit" and youll always have more cash later .but agree w/ ya but let them atleast start.135 would be ok i have seen worse.look at your local lfs u see all kinds of fish in a 6 x 6 cell.who nos 4 how long .right?


Active Member
Alright, enough of the argument. We have heard both of your sides. No need for any more. State your opinion and that's it. Don't hijack the thread with an argument.
Common sense would tell you not to keep the shark in the 135. It's an animal that grows far too large too quickly. A tank in the range of 300-400 gallons will run you about $6000-$10000 fully set-up. If this is an unrealistic idea, don't get the shark.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Alright, enough of the argument. We have heard both of your sides. No need for any more. State your opinion and that's it. Don't hijack the thread with an argument.
Common sense would tell you not to keep the shark in the 135. It's an animal that grows far too large too quickly. A tank in the range of 300-400 gallons will run you about $6000-$10000 fully set-up. If this is an unrealistic idea, don't get the shark.
Well I like how my few questions turned in to this big argument.. Smart people ask questions before they get things, thats why I did.. I know all of you fish freaks would flip if I got him and put him in my 80g, but thats not a smart thing to do so I didnt. I asked first and seen what most people say. I did my own searching and found what I needed to find. I agree with most people that "its not going to tripple in size over night." This one is about 12" long and my tank is 18" deep so it WOULD work for some time. As to the lion issue that I was told " i would not keep a lion in a 135" well look around on the site and you will see that there is MANY more who have lions in the same size or smaller tanks. As for most of you who act like anything under 400g is like a 10g tank its kind of hard to keep larger tanks in a Apartment. Let alone get the thing inside the place! So I am sure all of you will be glad when I say I turned down the shark, If anyone is looking for a 12" SFE or this shark I can connect you with the people..


Active Member
Originally Posted by indigobluetc
Well I like how my few questions turned in to this big argument.. Smart people ask questions before they get things, thats why I did.. I know all of you fish freaks would flip if I got him and put him in my 80g, but thats not a smart thing to do so I didnt. I asked first and seen what most people say. I did my own searching and found what I needed to find. I agree with most people that "its not going to tripple in size over night." This one is about 12" long and my tank is 18" deep so it WOULD work for some time. As to the lion issue that I was told " i would not keep a lion in a 135" well look around on the site and you will see that there is MANY more who have lions in the same size or smaller tanks. As for most of you who act like anything under 400g is like a 10g tank its kind of hard to keep larger tanks in a Apartment. Let alone get the thing inside the place! So I am sure all of you will be glad when I say I turned down the shark, If anyone is looking for a 12" SFE or this shark I can connect you with the people..
So then the whole argument of "upgrading" is out the window? Because if you can barely get a 135 into your apartment, what chance does a larger tank have then when the shark "does" need to upgrade? I don't think anyone treats "anything under a 400gal like a 10gal." It just when you want to keep fish intended for a 400gal, in tanks less then that issuses arise.
Very good decisions by asking questions and ultimately deciding against the shark.