

Risc included a LINK to the post he was referring to in his post. He has been badgered here alot about sharks lately...and BTW - he's not a 'shark' aka Moderator here so cannot "boot" you. Also, I have yet to see him be "full of himself" on any post - YOU are way out of line there & are now inviting flames on THIS board as opposed to the other boards that apparently flamed you.
While I very rarely post on this board & have never in the aggressive forum, I do read it.
I was skeptical of Risc initially but now believe he does REALLY know sharks. Some of his advice I don't agree with - but that is personal opinion and, I've never kept sharks. - my knowledge with them is simply from online or my various books.
Bottom line...Del? From this & the other new posts on this, I think you have issues.


New Member
Oh brother. No one reads now a days. Everyone just looking for a fight. Sorry anyone took this personal.


Active Member
leaperdsharkguy, First let me say WELCOME to the best bb on the net. Ok your new here so I'm going to explain about our search, there is alot of things you will be asking in the future here on this bb, you have 2 options, you can either post the question or first you can do a search on the board, just click the search button at the top of the page and type in some key words, it will pop up any and all related topics. This feature works best when you need quick anwsers, and remember not everything you read will be 100 percent correct all the time. There is a great group(the sharks) of guys and 1 gal on this bb that do know thier business, and they will help you any way they can, and for the most part everyone is great on here, everyonce in awhile you get someone that thinks he/she knows it all and there is a little flaming that goes on, but it is usually set to rights rather quickly. Sorry for rattling on and on, I mainly wanted to tell you about the search feature...Lisa


New Member
Now that is help, I must say that even though your post was not intended for me, I found some info that I can use. I very much appreciate the time you took to describe this feature and your opinion, being new to using forums to find answers and help I do appreciate it.


New Member
Mark-24, Sorry if you thought I was talking to you or took my opinion personally, my coversation was with RISC. I am very sure RISC has an astonishing amout of knowledge on the subject of sharks and difinitly an unbelievable set of shark tanks in and out of the house (agree with other poster that we would all like to see pics of the tanks you have RISC, just envious), I was just trying to point out that there was a better answer to give than to make someone read through post after post and still not have his question answered. I read through the link and MY OPINION would be that this did not answer his question as it was asked, I could be wrong, no flames here, just opinions.