

Hello, i'm thinking of getting a 300 gallon tank, or a shark pond just like dlight. Ok, first off, what sharks are cold water, and what sharks are warm water? And what sharks can live there whole lives in a 540 gallon pond?


The only cold water sharks I know of are horns, leopards, and some wobbegongs. Sharks that can live in a 540 pond are horn sharks, bamboo sharks, epaulette sharks, rusty carpet sharks,bluegray carpet sharks, whitespotted bamboo sharks, and coral catsharks. There are more but thats all I can think of right now. ^^;;


Angel sharks, carpet sharks, horn sharks, blind sharks, some wobbegongs, some catsharks, and smoothounds are all cold water sharks. Everything else is basically a warm water shark.
Catsharks, most horn sharks, carpet sharks, bamboo sharks, and some wobbegongs, can live in 540s their whole lives. Epaulettes are bamboo sharks.
the ones u can get( find at a reasonable price) are gonna be the bamboos epp. leopards, macelyi! umm.. coral cat, grey smouthhound, thats bout it that i can get .. o ya and maybe a speckled cat
[ October 09, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


Thanks guys, these are what my 2 ideas are(fish stocking wise for 540)
1.)Leopard, horn, bamboo, epaulette.Can that work since I heard leopards are cold water?
2.)Bamboo, epaulette, horn, and a blue spotted ray.


The leopard will get too big. It will also grow at two times the rate of your other smaller sharks. Any smoothound is too large for that size of a tank at full growth. They won't have anywhere to swim but in a constant circle. Even though leopard sharks will lie on the bottom it takes far more energy for them to lay on the bottom then it does for them to swim, and that will stress them out. You could maybe keep a leopard for 3 years in it... but then what are you going to do with it?
ps: Blue spotted rays will jump out of pools, so plan ahead.


So, can I have a pool with a bamboo, an epaulette, and a spotted catshark? And how high can the ray jump. Also, do sharks jump? And what is the best treatment you can give to a shark without damaging it's cartilage?


Thanks jim, would this work, bamboo catshark, spoted catshark, coral catshark, and an epaulette shark? also what filtration would I need.