sharpnose puffer


New Member
I just got my first puffer the other day and he is eating frozen krill. I was wondering how much krill i should feed him. I know that over feeding is bad but i don't want to under feed him. Right now i'm feeding him about an inch of krill in two peices once a day. I'm also confused about the lighting because this is my first fish. The tank that i bought came with one flouresent light bulb in a one light fixture that i have on during the day. At night i turn off the light but he freaks out i guess because it's to dark. Right now i'm using an old blacklight that i have on at night. What do i do?
- Thanks for all of the help


For food feed him what he'll eat within a couple minutes. I would probably feed him the same amount of krill that you are, but half of it in the morning and half at night. Mix up the food to so he get a variety. The lightihng is no problem. Go ahead and have no light on at night. They are more active at night.