She loves it when it's naked....

cayman isl

Ya know, I bought that toadstool with hopes that my clowns would host in it. Waterfallers pictures of her clowns in their toadstool are great and that's what I wanted.
Both of these clowns love the thing like this, but won't have anything to do with it once its "open"! Maybe they will warm up to it later.


My clown just loves it, he really freaks if anyone goes near it. The only downside is that over the past 18 months or so since I got the toadstool it has grown HUGE. Its about 12 inches across. Its taking up a lot of high price real estate in my 90 gal tank.

cayman isl

12 inches across????? That's HUGE!
If you get a chance post a picture of the thing in your tank, I'd love to see that!

cayman isl

THAT'S AMAZING!!!! I guess since there is a "inches-to-tank-size" rule for fish maybe there should be one for corals as well!!
Thanks FDA.....


Active Member
nice pics cayman, i hope i find something soon for my clowns to host! one of them was hosting algae at one time

that didnt last long though


What kind of toadstool is that??? I would really like to know. I also wanna find something for my clownies to host.



Originally posted by ivanfj
What kind of toadstool is that??? I would really like to know. I also wanna find something for my clownies to host.

Hey there fellow Canuck fan.....triple OT...wheww! Anyways you mentioned to me b4 about a supplier in Vancouver and was wondering if you could hook me up.....I live up in Prince George....thx


Hey o.nerka.
Great game. Holy my heart was POUNDING~~~ :nervous: :nervous:
When the flames had the breakaway from the blue line, I thought our season would be over.
Email me @ if you wanna hook up.

cayman isl

I'd hate to have them chew it up!! I have seen them pecking at it though.
That picture is a bit distorted, Cora, the clown in the toadstool is just a bit bigger than Nemo. And she has already let him know that she is in charge!!
Thanks guys!!